Des Moines Violent Crimes Defense Lawyer
Are you accused of a violent crime in Iowa? If so, you need an Iowa violent crimes defense lawyer. That's because an Iowa criminal lawyer can help you understand Iowa criminal law.
Being charged with a criminal offense warrants an experienced criminal defense attorney. Conviction is costly: you could be facing large fines and jail time. Moreover, you'll have to pay victim restitution. Afterward, you might get fired. Additionally, it could be hard to find a new job. Because the records are public, you could lose friends. Moreover, you could lose your significant other or face other relationship problems.
With this in mind, you can't afford to be seen as a scary, violent person. Therefore, you need to think: is there a way to clear your name?
Once in a while, your reasonable fear that the victim might hurt you or someone else might give you a self-defense or "justification" claim. In another case, you might be able to show that your ex is lying to get leverage in divorce. If so, you should know that domestic violence accusations can affect child custody.
When this happens, an Iowa criminal defense attorney can review the charges against you. Then, they can help you assess available defenses.
Experienced Violent Crime Lawyers in Des Moines
To convict you, the prosecutors must prove every element of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt — including the intent or "mens rea" element.
At Clark & Sears Law, we defend the rights and liberties of good people who are accused of bad things. An Iowa violence attorney might be able find you a viable path to reasonable doubt. As a result, you could go home to your family and save thousands in fines.
Get out of trouble and get back to life. Call Clark & Sears Law now at (515) 200-2787 to set up a free consultation. A receptionist is available 24/7 to take your call.
The criminal defense lawyers at Clark & Sears Law, are based in Des Moines and Ankeny and represent defendants throughout Polk County and the rest of Iowa.
Understanding Violent Crime Charges in Iowa
There are many types of violent crime. Some violent offenses are classified as "forcible felonies." Accordingly, you could go to prison for years without possibility of parole.
Assault Charges Explained
Many people feel indignant when charged because they “didn’t even hit” the other person, but you don’t have to leave a mark or even strike someone at all to be charged with assault. Any act intended to cause harmful, painful, or offensive contact -- or even to put someone in fear of harmful, painful, or offensive contact -- can be an assault under the Iowa Code. So can pointing a gun at them or displaying a dangerous weapon threateningly.
Aggravated Assault: Serious Consequences
Serious assaults might be the first "violent crime" that comes to mind. Serious injuries, weapons, and the intent to cause serious injury make assaults more serious. Aggravated assault is often a felony charge. When convicted of a forcible felony involving a weapon, you will go to prison for at least five years -- without the possibility of parole.