Sexual Abuse Lawyers in Des Moines
If you've been accused of sexual assault, you're being confronted with the "r" words. A conviction could result in getting branded as a rapist for the rest of your life. Depending on the offense, you could be looking at up to life in prison.
In addition to thousands of dollars in possible fines and years in prison, sexual assault charges could put you on the sex offender registry for ten years or for life. The registry is available online, where anyone -- including your friends, family members, and neighbors -- will see your photo and details about your conviction.
Sexual Abuse Defined
Succinctly, sexual abuse under Iowa Code 709.1 is any sex act done by force, against someone's will, by threats of violence, or while someone is drugged or unconscious. Children and people who have mental defects or incapacities cannot give consent, so any sex act done with them is illegal sexual abuse. Sexual abuse can be in the first, second, or third degree.
Sexual Abuse in the First Degree
Causing a serious injury during sex abuse is sex abuse in the first degree, which is a class "A" felony and for which you will serve life in prison without possibility of parole.
Sexual Abuse in the Second Degree
If you display a dangerous weapon in a threatening manner, use or threaten to use force that creates a substantial risk of death or serious injury to any person, or have sex with someone under the age of 12, that is sexual abuse in the second degree.
Second degree sexual assault is a class "B" felony. If you are convicted of sex abuse second degree, you will be sentenced to up to 25 years in prison.
Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree
Third degree sex abuse involves any of the following:
- Sex done by force or against someone's will
- A sex act done with someone who can't give consent because of a mental defect or incapacity
- Sex with a twelve or thirteen year old
- Sex with a fourteen or fifteen year old
- Who you're related to
- Who lives in your household
- Who you coerce to submit by using your position of authority
- Who is four years or more younger than you
- A sex act with someone who is under the influence of a controlled substance (including, but not limited to flunitrazepam, also called "Rohypnol" or "roofies" or "GHB") if:
- The substance prevents them from consenting and
- You know (or reasonably should have known) that they were under the influence
- A sex act with someone who is mentally or physically incapacitated or who is physically helpless.
Third degree sexual assault is a class "C" felony, for which you face up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $1000 - $10,000.